Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Foods For Light Headedness Home Remedies For Light-headedness, Dizziness (high Blood Pressure-related)?

Home remedies for light-headedness, dizziness (high blood pressure-related)? - foods for light headedness

My mother is 60 years. She has high blood pressure and was on medication (lisinopril, a generic for Prinivil). She also has occasional mild dizziness and drowsiness. Sometimes when you wake up, sometimes it's after work at 6pm - the time is random, or do not eat anything. In general, do not eat breakfast or something (during the day today had a Twinkie for breakfast, for example). She also takes medication for seasickness - Hydrochlorothiazise one Oretic generic / ESIDRIX it is not predictable, said it can cause dizziness in the bottle. His scam was so bad he does not go for fear of losing consciousness. She started the seasickness pills, Wednesday, blood pressure pillsThursday.

The doctor said his blood pressure medicine should begin about two weeks to work properly. Until then, I think that regardless of the cause, or if your blood pressure medicines, home remedies, such as the work to overcome the disease, is not it? Has anyone recommendations for food or steps that will help my mother to her drowsiness and dizziness to his medication for high blood pressure, you start to work?

1 comment:

  1. If it is not in potassium should eat lots of bananas. I'm on lisinopril, metoprolol, potassium and hydrocholathiazide triamterine blood pressure.
